Monday, December 13, 2010

Meaninful Monday #2 as most of you know, I missed the Meaningful Monday from last week....
I decided since the last Meaningful Monday was my brother, how fitting would it be for my sister to be this week!

Rabecca Danielle Jean Hicks.

Cute as a Button.
My Sister.
My Friend.

I absolutely LOVE my sister...just in case you missed it! <3

She has seen me at my best and seen me at my worst! Either way, she still loves me...and that is what I love about her.

She is B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L. in every single way :)))

Her artwork, is so unique and what she doesn't know is that I keep all the ones she throws away. I'm collecting them, because I know one day they'll mean something to her :)

We have had so many too many fun times together, and no matter how many mistakes I've made...I would never want to go back and change them; in fear of losing all of those wonderful moments with her.

She is my favorite sister...
well I guess she has to be...
seeing that she is my only sister.

These moments with Rabecca will never be forgotten.....

I know it is a possibility that I might go away to college.....

and if that happens,

I'll just have to find a way to take her with me :)

Optimistically, Bethany Lea


  1. I love these pictures of you and Becca. Are they the ones you got taken Saturday?

  2. Thanks Stephanie :))) Yep, we got them taken on was so much fun <3

  3. I love your soon to be Christmas card picture :) and don't tell her but I also love your sister :)

  4. Thanks...that means soo much! (oh, and she probably loves you too....but don't tell her I said that) :)))

  5. I love your blog young lady. You have so much to say and make it very cool to read. I love to see how close you and Becca are. It is very sweet and I hope you keep that friendship and love near to you both. Keep the posts coming.
