Wednesday, October 27, 2010


There is one thing that can absolutely make me feel better no matter how bad my day has been, and that is...



Why books?

 Because when you read a book you can lost in another world.

A world not full of hate, death, or failure.

When you read a book everything seems better than in actual life.

 As you are opening a book, you are opening the beginning of a story in which you don't know the charcters personally, but most of the time you feel a connection with them.

You eventually find a way to relate to them.
{At least I know I do}

While books are great, I don't read them to forget about my problems or pretend things aren't bad in the world; I read them because when I read a book, I instantly feel better.

It may sound cheesy but books make me so happy.

A kind of happiness that you can't find in too many places.

I hope that the next time you read a book...
 it makes you feel better inside, and you feel inspired to do something good so that people can see the positive side of life.


  1. I also love reading books!I am so glad you started this blog!

  2. Bethany your amazing!

    And Erica stole my first comment spot :(
