Sunday, August 21, 2011

Secret Notes.

Okie Dokie, I am so happy right now!!!!

My friend Andrea is absolutely amazing.
 I mentioned yesterday that she had left cute little notes in my closet, but I had only found a few....
 As of right now, I have found 5. :) 

She is so creative!!!! I found one under my pillow (with some hidden candy), one in my favorite pair of shoes, one in my purse, and when I put my jeans on this morning, I found one in there also :)

Oops...I also found one in a book <3

Her notes immediately made me feel better :)
 She knows me so well.

I am so thankful that God gave me such great friends! I know adjusting to college is going to be a challenge, but with God and great friends to support me, I know that I can do it :)

Tomorrow is the first official day of college, and I am so excited to start my classes!!!

Optimistically, Bethany Lea <3

P.S. Thanks for reading my blog........ you're awesome.

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