Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Car Trouble.

Today was a very interesting day :)

6:30---Woke Up, Got Dressed, ETC. :)
7:00---Went to start the car....and NOTHING!
Oh No!
7:05---Woke up dad to help me with the car :)
7:10---Dad jumps my car and then we wait...
7:25---I turn off the engine to try and start the car again and NOTHING.
7:30---Leave for Auto Zone to go purchase new car battery.
7:40---I help dad put in new car battery :)
7:45---Rabecca and I leave for school, hoping to get there on time.
8:02---We arrive at school, and have to park in a parking spot kinda far away from the school entrance :(
8:06---We get inside the building and go to the attendance office, but there's a line of people late for school JUST LIKE US!
8:14---Finish explaining to Mrs.Peggy why we were late and get passes to class :)

Ok...I thought that by the time I got to class, that everything would be better...WRONG!

The lights are off, the door is locked, and there's a sign on the door that reads "Mr. CHS"....

Great! Now what do I do? I decided to go to the library and catch up on my reading during 1st block :)

....What else could go wrong?

After sulking in the library, I realized that my shirt had battery acid/erosion gunk on it and I had to be in the IB group picture at 1:45!!!

Ok...A few hours later....after P.E....
which I didn't have to participate in :))))...things were getting much better....

{   NO RUNNING :)))  }

....Erica and Faythe sent me on a run to Fazoli's for lunch <3 YUMM!!!! 

What a great day; spending time with friends and having a blast! :))))

Ok, so what does this have to do with what I like and dislike about school????

I equally love and hate all the surprises that life throws at me, especially relating to school :)

 Only 4 and 1/2 more weeks of school, a day set aside for graduation, and an extra day for an IB spanish test...I have a feeling that it is all going to go by extremely fast!!!!!

Have an amazing day!!!!

Optimistically, Bethany Lea

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