Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 25: A Time For Change

Day 25 - A picture of you last year and how you've changed since then.

I have new glasses, I no longer have a best friend, and my hair is much shorter :)

However, these changes don't make me who I am and most definitely haven't shaped me into who I am today....

I have learned soooo much for the duration of a year and God has taught me many things.

I have become a more mature person when it comes to handling things that life throws at me ......

I guess you could say that I'm learning to grow up :)

I hope that any changes in my future are all for the best, and that I become an even happier person  <3

Optimistically, Bethany Lea


  1. And don't forget that you no longer have a gallbladder. :)

  2. i will be your best friend ... roomie :)

  3. That's right Stephanie!!!!!! I almost forgot &&&&& Erica...I love you! :)))

  4. Bethany!!!! You look so amazing!!! I haven't seen the short hair yet! I loooooove it!

  5. AWWWWW! Thanks! It it awesome having short hair <3
